Current Exhibition

The Usual Suspects (24 x 8 inches)

Chookin Out Time (24 x 8 inches)

Welcoming the New Arrival (SOLD)

Excess Baggage (SOLD)

Spring Messenger Boy(10 x 12 inches)

CherryFest (10 x 12 inches)

Escape to the Chateau (SOLD)

Ham-Let.....,To Eat or Not to Eat (12x 16 inches)

Jet-Setters ! ( 40 x 30 inches) (SOLD)

Silvery Moon, Enniscorthy (16 x 20 inches)

Doggie in the Window (12 x 12 inches)

Moonlit Quay, Wexford (16 x 20 inches)

A French Liason (SOLD)

The garden Room (16 x 12 inches)

Father Knows Best (SOLD)

Fruit-Tea Fruity (12 x 10 inches)

Berry Fruit Compote (SOLD)

Black Velvet (SOLD)

The Right Start (SOLD)

The Constant Gardener (12 x 36 inches)

Golden Retrievers (30 x 40 inches)

Shy Baby (12 x 10") SOLD

Spring Messenger Boy (SOLD)

Silver Cherries (SOLD)

Excess Baggage (SOLD)

Hustle and Bustle (12 x 16")

Are They Home Yet? (SOLD)

The Main Gates: Curb Appeal (12 x 16")

Hide and Go Sheep (16 x 20")

Odd One Out (SOLD)

The Pharoah (8 x 12")

The Hill Farmer (SOLD)

A Scent of Wisteria (SOLD)

The meeting on the Stairs(SOLD)

Window on the World

Home before Dark (SOLD)

The Garden Visitor (Sold)

Mr Darcy's Point of View (12 x 16)

Home by Moonlight (SOLD)

Fab Bull-ous! (16 x 12)

Primadonnas (SOLD)

Hen House Rock (SOLD)

Basic Instinct (SOLD)

Found (SOLD)

Flutterbyes (SOLD)

Fox News (SOLD)

Nosey Barkers (SOLD)

Head of the House (12 x 12 inches)

Three's a Crowd (14 x 18 inches) SOLD

The Power Cut (12 x 16 inches) SOLD

A Sprinkling of Frost (10 x 12 inches) SOLD

A Scent of Heather (16 x 20 inches)

Night Squall, Wexford (SOLD)

Branch Manager (SOLD)

Home Alone (15 x 18 inches)

Moon Tide on the Quay, Wexford (16 x 12 inches)

Golden Days (SOLD)

The Pergola, Altamont (SOLD)

The Terror that Lurks Beneath (SOLD)

Old Red (SOLD)

Just Practising (SOLD)

Wool-Lite (SOLD)

Outstanding in His Own Field (SOLD)

The Myshal Gate, Altamont (SOLD)

Time for Celebration (12 x 10 inches)

Meet me in the Walled Garden (SOLD)

The Wexford People (20 x 16 inches)

That Feeling When Your Boat Comes In. (16 x 12 inches)

Grandmammas Geraniums (SOLD)

Ladies who Lunch (SOLD)

Profiles in Forage (12 x 16 inches) SOLD

Wanted for Farmed Robbery (SOLD)

Antique Ford Show (SOLD)

The Garden Visitor (Sold)

Summer Spree (SOLD)

On Reflection (SOLD)

Time to Chill (SOLD)

Hare Belle SOLD

Home Alone (SOLD)

After the Ball is Over (16 x 12 inches)

The Islander (12 x 16 inches)

Well Sprung (18 x 14 inches) SOLD

Hen House Rock (SOLD)

Autumn of the Celtic Jaguar (SOLD)

Summer Skies (16 x 20 inches)

Country File (SOLD)

Riders to the Sea (16 x 20 inches) SOLD

A Girls Day Out, Altamont Garden (SOLD)


Tap Dancer (SOLD)

The Spring Foal (16 x 12 inches)

The Ladies Man (SOLD)

Footloose (30 x 20 inches) Block Canvas

Altamont Doorway (SOLD)

The Myshall Gate, Altamont (SOLD)

Golden Meadow (SOLD)

Spring Escape (SOLD)

Coco and Milly (SOLD)

Ozzie (SOLD)

Belle (SOLD)

Lucy (SOLD)

Clongowes Wood College (SOLD)

Scholar in the Library ,Clongowes (16insx14ins)

A Matched Pair (SOLD)

The Borders, Altamont Garden (SOLD)

A Girls Day Out, Altamont Garden (SOLD)

Barker's Lodge Bunclody (SOLD)

Red Alert (SOLD)

Garden Boy (SOLD)

The Master of the House (SOLD)

Cow Parsley (10insx12ins) SOLD

Hare Today (SOLD)

Foot-Loose (30insx20ins)

Lavish (SOLD)

Charlie (SOLD)

Scotty (SOLD)

Trixie (SOLD)

Golden Retrievers (SOLD)

Mr O Gorman and His Hounds (SOLD)

Nora (SOLD)

Home Sweet Home (SOLD)

Best Friends (SOLD)

Sam and Molly- Doges de Dordogne (SOLD)

Autumn Tints (SOLD)

Darcy and Murphy (SOLD)

Ploughing Match (SOLD)

Morning Mist (SOLD)

Mr Whitty, the Smitty at Ballymitty

Ploughing the Cliff Field (SOLD)

Once in a Blue Moo ! (SOLD)

Lizzie (SOLD)

The Fleeting Flower Arranger SOLD

Countryside Alliance (SOLD)

The Hidden Paw (SOLD)

The Irish Mammy's Cupboard (SOLD)

Red Carpet Days (SOLD)

ovable Feast (SOLD)

Daisy at the Gate (SOLD)

At the Edge of the Wood (SOLD)

Blue Wood Notes (SOLD)

Rhapsody in Blue (SOLD)

Fisherman's Friend (SOLD)

Great Expectations (30x40ins) SOLD

The Beachcombers (SOLD)

Collie Wobbles (SOLD)

'Til the Cows Come Home (SOLD)

A Stitch In Time (SOLD)

Red Alert (SOLD)

Making Berry (SOLD)

Pedigree Chum (SOLD)

In-dognito (SOLD)

The Escape Committee! (SOLD)

A Complete Washout! (SOLD)

Diego the Dashing (SOLD)

Drill Masters (SOLD)

Country Dresser (SOLD)

Alarm Cock (SOLD)

French Liasion (SOLD)

Reds Under The Bed (SOLD)

Shy (SOLD)

Born to Run (SOLD)

Pedal Power ( 20x24ins)

Intruder in the Pleasure Grounds (SOLD)

First Steps (SOLD)

Nick Jackman and Cattle (SOLD)

No Water Charges! (10 x 12 ins)

Betto ( SOLD )

Detached Thatch on One Acre! (10x12ins)

The Adventurers (SOLD)

Hurricane Fly and Quevega SOLD

Jiggery Pokery (20 x 24")

The Three Faces of Smurf (12 x 24"

Ploughmans Hunch (SOLD)

Defender of the Yard (SOLD)

Rapunzel (SOLD)

Kauto Star (14 x 18")

The Poacher (SOLD)

A Hunter Reminisces (SOLD)

Hooligan (SOLD)

Alarm Cock (SOLD)

Up the Garden Path (SOLD)

E-bullient (SOLD)

A Cavalier Attitude! SOLD

The Hook (14 x 12ins)

A Bit of Doggeral (SOLD)

Castle in the Air ,Enniscorthy (SOLD)

Lumcloone House ( SOLD)

Black Magic ( SOLD)

Don't Go! (SOLD)

Brady (SOLD)

The Little Gardener (SOLD)

All Mine! (SOLD)

The Road to Munny (SOLD)

A Clinking of Boats (SOLD)

Blackstairs Stream (SOLD)

Phoebe (SOLD)

Weapon of Mass Destruction (SOLD)

A Chew, A Jimmy Chew! (16 x 12ins)

Red Alert (SOLD)

Paddy (SOLD)

Shay and Havoc (SOLD)

Poppy (SOLD)

Dilly Rose (SOLD)

After the Rain, Baltingglass (SOLD)

Best Friends (SOLD)

Harry (SOLD)

Little Wooly (SOLD)

The Whipper In (SOLD)

Stable Companions, Henry and Betsy (SOLD)

The Footsie Index (SOLD)

The Social Swirl (SOLD)

I am Listening (SOLD)

Slaneyside Diego (30.5 x 26 inches)

Garden of Weedin SOLD

The Art Critics (SOLD)

Snow way Home (SOLD)

Dark Light SOLD

Wild Goose Chase SOLD

Tip-Toe Through the Bluebells (SOLD)

An Audience of Two SOLD

Morning Coffee (SOLD)

Bohemian Girl (20 x 28 inches)

Table Talk (SOLD)

Harvest Gold (SOLD)

Cherry Cream (SOLD)

Hog-wash (12 x 16 inches)

French Liason (SOLD)

The Order of the Bath (SOLD)

The Way She Might ook at You (36 x 36 inches)

Sunflower Burst (12 x 16 inches)

Where's the Alarm Cock? (SOLD)

The Good Shepherd (12 x 10 inches)

Within These castle Walls (16 x 12 inches)

The Lost Sheep (SOLD)

An Item in the Yard (SOLD)

Final Instructions (SOLD)

Crime Watch (SOLD)

Keeper of the Ford (SOLD)

Bluebell Spring (SOLD)

Sartorious (SOLD)


The Politicians!

Iresista-Bull (SOLD)

Walking Out, Rosslare (Sold)

Milking Time (12x10)

The Ambush (SOLD)

Golden Bales, Bunclody (SOLD)

In the Lee of the Wind (SOLD)

Called to the Baa (SOLD)

Paddy the Irishman, Paddy the Englishman and Paddy the Scotsman (12 x 28")

The Goose Girl (16 x 12")

A Good Field (12 x 28")

Country Music (SOLD)

Bull's Eye (SOLD)

The Perfumed Border (SOLD)>

Suspense (SOLD)

All Quiet on the Equestrian Front (SOLD)

The Sunday Paper (SOLD)

House Warming (SOLD)

Heron's Haunt (SOLD)

Final Delivery (SOLD)

Feeling a Bit of a Tit (SOLD)

Feather Weight (SOLD)

Reynard's Retreat (SOLD)

The Rose Arbour (SOLD)

The Bull McCabe (16x16ins)

Lady Baa Baa (SOLD)

Cherry Reds (SOLD)

Desireable Residence! (SOLD)

Patrick Mullins and Back in Focus, Cheltenham 2013 ( 20 x 24)

First Love (SOLD )

First Evening, Clongowes (SOLD)

The Irish Field ( SOLD )

Back to School, Autumn, Clongowes (SOLD)

Big Study Blues (SOLD)

Debators at the Castle Door (SOLD)

A Tipple in the Orchard (SOLD)

Jack (SOLD)

Gentlemen's Relish (SOLD)

Plum Tea (SOLD)

Evening Light, Clongowes (SOLD)

Memories are Made of This ( Sold)

Grazing in the Beeches, Clongowes (SOLD)

Pet a Porter (SOLD)

Union Day, Clongowes (SOLD)

Snow on Snow, Clongowes (SOLD)

Dark, Milk ,Chocolate (SOLD)

A Touch of Frost SOLD

The Way We Were (SOLD)

Evensong, Clongowes ( SOLD )

Snow Geese ( 16 x 12 )

Wildlife Ireland ( 18 x 24 ) SOLD

Moses (SOLD)

Out-foxed Again (SOLD)

Fifty Shades of Gray (SOLD)

Visiting Aunt Hyacinth (SOLD)

The Road to Clonmore (SOLD)

A Spot of Luncheon (Sold)

A Good Dog (SOLD)

Something Nasty in the Woodshed ! (SOLD)

Do Not Disturb (SOLD)

Paddy the Irishman (12 x 10")

The Good, The Bad and the Cuddly SOLD

Ad-mission Impossible (SOLD)

The Guardians (SOLD)

Period Living (SOLD)

Russell-ing About ! (SOLD)

In the Slow Lane (SOLD")

Designer Genes (12 x 30")

The Usual Suspect! (SOLD)

Notorious! (SOLD)

The Constant Gardner (SOLD)

Triumphal Arch! (SOLD)

The Milky Way! (SOLD)

The Friesian File! (SOLD)

A Gardner's Work is Never Done! (SOLD)

Timelessness (SOLD)

Visiting Aunt Agatha (SOLD)

Intruder in the Gentleman's Club! ( 17.5 x 12ins )

The Hay Loft (SOLD)

The Babysitters ((SOLD)

The Plant Finder, Altamont (10 x 12ins)

Urn at Altamont (10 x12ins)

The Autumn Gate (SOLD)

The Winter King (SOLD)

Girls Day Out! (10 x 12ins) (SOLD)

Her Grace (10 x12ins)

Faded Elegance (12 x 16ins)

The General (SOLD)

Still Sorry About the Hens (SOLD)

The Bonny Dog (SOLD)

Beauty Queen (SOLD)

A Winning Look (SOLD)

Prints of Bales (SOLD)

Everyone Loves Mr Darcy (SOLD)

The Twitter-arti! (SOLD)

Deep and Crisp (SOLD)

Mills and Noon, Kells co. Kilkenny (SOLD)

Mid-Summer Mother (10 x12ins)

Breakfast Oranges (SOLD)

Snow on Snow, Clongowes Wood College (SOLD)

Mahon Falls (SOLD)

The Cherry Pot (SOLD)

Lemon Tea (SOLD)

Waterproof SOLD

looking for a Loophole! (16 x 20ins)

Regency Gold ( 23 x 9 ins)

I'll Be Watching You (SOLD)

Summer Round-Up ( SOLD)

The Myshall Gate, Altamont Gardens, Co Carlow, (SOLD)

Willie Mullins Tribute (SOLD)

Home to Roost (SOLD)

The Trysting Gate (SOLD)

The Boot Room (SOLD)

Stag Night (20 x 28")

The Footsie Index (SOLD)

French Sole (SOLD)

The Drawing Room, Aghold (SOLD)

The Gossip Girls (SOLD)

Identical Vintage (SOLD)

Punk Plumage (SOLD)

Mothers Day (SOLD)

Confined to Quarters (SOLD)

Pause for Prayer (SOLD)

A Scent of Wisteria (SOLD)

Birds of a Feather (12 x 36 inches)

La Joie de Vivre (SOLD)

'Til the Cows Come Home (SOLD)

Rounding up the Strays (12 x 16 inches)

Master of the House (SOLD)

Little Big Horn (SOLD)

The Bolting Twitterati (SOLD)

Hurricane Fly (12 x 10 inches)

The Bridge at Clonegal (SOLD)

Throwing out a Feeler (SOLD)

In the Library (SOLD)

In the Morning Room (SOLD)

Lend us Your Ears (SOLD)

Farmyard Flurry (SOLD)

Surprise Encounter (SOLD)

Late Summer Grazing (12 x 16 inches)

Little Porker (SOLD)

Red Alert (SOLD)

Through the Lattice (SOLD)

The Bluebell Wood (SOLD)

The Scriveners (SOLD)

A Glimpse of Old Enniscorthy (SOLD)

Piggy in the Middle ( 14 x 18 " )

A Two Bitch Pack (SOLD)

The Glamazons (SOLD)

What's Afoot? (SOLD)

Playstations ( SOLD)

Sea the Stars (SOLD)

King of the Midden (SOLD)

Golden Wonders! (SOLD)

The Ladies Association (SOLD)

The Ante Room (SOLD)

Spring Whites (SOLD)

Hedge-hunt Managers (24 x 24 inches)

A French Proposal SOLD

Fopdoodling (SOLD)

The Twitterati (SOLD)

Pastures Green (SOLD)

The Whey Most Travelled SOLD

Fields Edge (SOLD)

Udderly Yours! (SOLD)

The High Brows (SOLD)

The Minder (SOLD)

Widgeon (16 x 12") SOLD

Peeping Tom (SOLD)

Pastures Remembered (SOLD)

Aristocats (SOLD)

A Bit of a Fling (SOLD)

Hound of the Passing Trails SOLD

Pier Pressure (SOLD)

Stand by Your Ham ! (SOLD)

Muddy Marvellous !(SOLD)

Cerberus at the back gate (SOLD)

Lake Water Yapping (SOLD)

Summer Sanctum SOLD

Maestro (SOLD)

Arcadia (SOLD)

Marmaduke (23 x 20 ")

Bonnie Blue (SOLD)

Clongowes, Winter Prayer ( SOLD)

Cool, Calm and Collected (SOLD)

The Botanists at Farmleigh SOLD

The Old Pump House, Farmleigh (SOLD)

The Sunken Garden (16 x 20")

The Port Cochere Entrance, Farmleigh (16 x 20")

Gate to the potager, Farmleigh (SOLD)

The Gazebo, Farmleigh (SOLD)

The Lutjens Seat, Farmleigh (SOLD)

The Fascinator (SOLD)

The Pruner

Cheek by Jowl (24 x 24 ")

The Bee-Keeper (12 x 10")

Cooling their Heels (SOLD)

Movable Feast (SOLD)

Gone to Pot (SOLD)

Antique Rogue Show (SOLD)

Clongowes, Evening Glow (18 x 14")

Baby Powers (20 x 16 inches)

Hunting Above Aghold ( SOLD)

Boxed In (10 x 12 inches)

Air-bourne (20 x 24 inches)

The Carrot Chaser (SOLD)

Wool Gathering (SOLD)

Morning Pasture(SOLD)

Grace and Favour (20 x 16 inches)

The Naughty Step (12 x 10 inches)

The Dress Maker (16 x 16 inches)

New Approach (12 x 16 ")

Blue Wood Notes (SOLD)

Late Summer Grazing (12 x 16 inches)

The Delinquent (SOLD)

The Sitter (Wont get out of Bed for Less than 10.000 !) (16 x 20 ")

Cooling their Heels (SOLD)

Sacred Cows ! (SOLD)

Freckled with Anticipation ! (SOLD)

Fowl Play (SOLD)

The Rondale, Aghold 16" x 20"

A Sports Injury SOLD

The Flying O'Briens (24 x 16 inches)

Greatheart (16 x 20 inches) SOLD